Pesticides are products of chemical or biological origin that are intended to protect economically important plants and animals from weeds, diseases, harmful insects, mites and other harmful organisms.

Volume: 500 ml
Fungicid za suzbijanje sive truleži. Aktivna materija: izofetamid ..... 400g/l                                                 Formulacija: koncentrovana suspenzija (SC)                             OSNOVNA SVOJSTVA ZENBY sadrži aktivnu materiju iz nove hemijske grupe (fenil-okso-etil tiofen amidi) podgrupe SDHI (inhibitori sukcinat dehidrogenaze /SDH/). Djeluje na gljive iz grupe Ascomycetes (npr. Sclerotinia sp., Monilia sp.) i Deuteromycetes (npr. Botrytis sp.) te na brojne druge bolesti. Efikasno suzbija sivu truležna lozi i jagodama, Botrytis i Sclerotiniu na salati i Moniliu na koštičavom voću. Ima preventivna i kurativna svojstva.ZENBY DJELUJE I NA SOJEVE SIVE TRULEŽI OTPORNE NA SDHI FUNGICIDE SDHI fungicidi u dijelu molekule bitnom za povezivanje sa enzimom SDH sive truleži sadrže krutu veznu grupu koja onemogućava povezivanje sa enzimom mutiranih sojeva i zbog toga gljiva je otporna. Za razliku od ostalih SDHI fungicida, izofetamid (i samo još fluopiram) ima fleksibilnu veznu grupu koja je dovoljno fleksibilna da se pravilno poveže sa SDH enzimom i kod mutiranih sojeva sive truleži. Stoga Zenby pokazuje efikasno i pouzdano djelovanje na sivu trulež u poređenju sa dobro poznatim SDHI fungicidima. ZENBY pokazuje kurativno djelovanje na sivu trulež i do 36 sati nakon zaraze. U cilju postizanja pouzdane efikasnosti,preporučuje se preventivna upotreba.Ima dugo preventivno djelovanje: do 4 sedmice dobro štiti bobice grožđa. ZENBY djeluje na sve razvojne faze sive truleži. VINOVA LOZA: PRIMJENA I DOZA Primijeniti ZENBY jedanput u sezoni (eventualno do 2 puta kada je potrebno 3 i više prskanja u sezoni sa botriticidima) u alternaciji sa sredstvima iz grupa sa drugim mehanizmom djelovanja. ZENBY se može koristiti od cvjetanja pa sve do prije berbe zavisno od karence. Kod prskanja punog habitusa loze doza je 1,5l/ha. Kod prskanja u zonu grožđa doza je 0,8 do 1l/ha. Navedene doze za suzbijanje sive truleži u cjelini suzbijaju i pepelnicu vinove loze, tako da prilikom prskanja sa ZENBY-jem nije potrebno koristiti specijalne fungicide protiv pepelnice! JAGODE: PRIMJENA I DOZA Prskati preventivno. Može se koristiti od otvaranja prvih cvjetova (BBCH 60) pa sve do glavne berbe kada je većina bobica obojeno (BBCH 87). Primijeniti ZENBY jedanput u sezoni (do 2 puta kada je potrebno 3 i više prskanja u sezoni sa botriticidima). ZENBY u poređenju s poznatim botriticidima pokazuje izvanredno dobro djelovanje pa se njegova upotreba preporučuje već na samom početku programa suzbijanja sive truleži s ciljem efikasnog suzbijanja razvoja bolesti od početka. ZENBY ne ostavlja depozit na plodovima (mrlje, izmjena boje jagoda), kao što postoji problem sa drugim preparatima. Doza: 1,2 l/ha Karenca: 21 dan za vinovu lozu; 1 dan za jagode. Pakovanje: 10ml, 100ml, 500ml ZENBY je dio Belchimovih programa zaštite
Selective translocation herbicide, intended for controlannual and perennial narrow-leaved weed speciesActive substance: quizalofop-P-ethyl 125 ± 7.5 g/lFormulation: ECApplication: in the soybean crop: to control annual and perennial weedsnarrow-leaved weeds in application amounts of 0.5 and 1.2 l/ha (5 - 12 ml per100 m2) after crop emergence in stage 1-3 trefoil (stages 30-33 BBCHscales), when the weeds are in the phase of intensive growth of 2 to 6 leaves.SPECTRUM OF ACTIONTypes of weeds that are well controlled in an application amount of 0.5 l/ha: oatswild (Avena fatua), gray fly (Setaria glauca), green fly (Setariaviridis), wild sorghum (Sorghum halepense) from seed, common sorghum(Digitaria sanguinalis) and weed millet (Echinochloa crus-galli).Types of weeds that are weakly suppressed in an application amount of 0.5 l/ha: sedgecommon (Cynodon dactylon) and wild sorghum (Sorghum halepense) fromrhizome.Types of weeds that are well controlled in an application rate of 1.2 l/ha:wild oat (Avena fatua), gray fly (Setaria glauca), green fly(Setaria viridis), wild sorghum (Sorghum halepense) from seed, commonmagpie (Digitaria sanguinalis), weed millet (Echinochloa crusgalli),Cynodon dactylon and wild sorghum (Sorghumhalepense) from the rhizome.Method of application: Foliar, by spraying from the ground. Water consumption:200-400 l/ha (2-4 l per 100 m2). Maximum number of treatments: Once,during the growing season on the same surface.Note for application: Weeds adopt the herbicide foliar, from whereis translocated to the meristem tissues of roots and stems, where it inhibits acetyl-CoA carboxylase. WINAQUEis adopted 1 hour after application so that the risk of being washed away by rain is reduced. It is not recommendedapplication at temperatures above 25°C.Mixing: Can be mixed (compatibility) with preparations based on bentazone (Aladdin or Rainzone)and thifensulfuron-methyl. Before mixing with other pesticides, especially different formulations, checktheir physical compatibility.Crop rotation: No restrictions.Waiting period: 77 days.Working curfew: 24 hours.Packaging: 1 liter
Vilotrin 10 WP
Mass: 50 g
Kontaktni insekticid za suzbijanje štetnih insekata u komunalnoj i javnoj higijeni. Aktivna materija: lambda cihalotrin.....................10 % Formulacija: kvašljivi prašak (WP) Osobine i način djelovanja: - Lambda cihalotrin spada u grupu piretroida -Nesistemični (kontaktni) insekticid sa kontaktnim i digestivnim djelovanjem Primjena: Preparat Vilotrin 10 WP koristi se: -Za suzbijanje crne (Blatta orientalis) i smeđe (Blatella germanica) bubašvabe, tretiranjem zidova i podova prostorija u količini 12,5 grama na 1,5 litara vode. -Za suzbijanje žutih mrava (Monomorium pharaonis), tretiranjem zidova i podova prostorija u količini 12,5 grama na 2,5 litara vode. -Za suzbijanje kućne (Musca domestica) i stajske (Stomoxys calcitrans) muve, tretiranjem zidova i podova stambenih objekata, štala i staja u količini 12,5 grama na 2,5 litara vode. -Za suzbijanje komaraca tretiranjem unutrašnjih i spoljnih zidova objekata u količini od 12,5 g na 1,5 l vode. Preporuke i napomene vezane za primjenu: -Štetni insekti suzbijaju se prilikom dodira sa preparatom koji ostaje na isprskanim površinama. Depozit preparata je dugo postojan. -Preparat ne ostavlja fleke na površini koja se prska. Nema inhalaciono djelovanje (ne djeluje parama). -Preparat ne smije dospjeti na namirnice i stočnu hranu. Ne tretirati direktno prehrambene i poljoprivredne proizvode i stočnu hranu. - Potpuno očistiti tretirane površine prije primjene preparata. -Količina rastvora koja se utroši pri tretiranju zavisi od osobina samih površina odnosno podloga, manje količine se koriste na tvrdim i glatkim podlogama a veće na površinama kao malter, cigla, nelakirano drvo i drugim neravnim podlogama. Otrovnost: III grupa otrova Pakovanje: 50 g
Valis F
Mass: 5 kg
Najjači fungicid za antirezistentnu strategiju u vinovoj lozi.Aktivna materija: valifenalat 60g/kg + folpet 480g/kglFormulacija: vododisperzibilne granule (WG)Valifenalat je fungicid iz hemijske grupe valinamid karbamata. Valis F je kombinacija sistemičnog i preventivnog fungicida koji pruža izuzetno efikasnu i sigurnu preventivnu i kurativnu zaštitu.Sadrži dvije aktivne materije. Valifenalat djeluje na sprečavanje stvaranja ćelijskog zida fitopatogenih gljiva preko inhibicije sinteze celuloze. Brzo se vezuje za voštanu prevlaku i prodire u biljku. Folpet je fungicid koji djeluje kontaktno i inhibira diobu ćelija patogena. Primjenom preparata Valis F, aktivna materija velifenalat podstič sintezu jednog proteina u biljci koji jača prirodnu otpornost biljke.BRZO PRODIRANJEValifenalat:-Sistemično djelovanje-Brzo prodiranje unutar biljke- Translaminarno kretanje – zaštita lista i novog porasta-Difuzno širenje – redistribucija valifenalata od osnove ka vrhu lista-Otporan na spiranje kišom-Štiti novoformirane listove.Folpet:-Aktivna materija koja nakon 80 godina nema pojavu rezistencije-Odlično djelovanje na crnu pjegavost vinove loze (Phomopsis viticola)- Teško se ispira, duže djeluje-Najviše korišćena aktivna materija u vinogradarstvu.• Izraženo preventivno djelovanje, sprečava klijanje spora i formiranje infektivnih struktura gljivica.• Kurativno djelovanje na miceliju koja se aktivno kreće unutar biljnog tkiva, razara hife i zidove gljivice.• Antisporulaciona aktivnost izražena u sprečavanju formiranja reproduktivnih struktura gljivice nastala usljed djelovanja preparata na ćelijski zid gljive.PRIMJENAValis F se koristi za suzbijanje plamenjače (Plasmopara viticola), sive truleži (Botrytis cinerea), crne truleži (Guignardia bidwellii) u zasadu vinove loze. Primjenjuje se po sticanju uslova primarne zaraze, najbolje dok su lastari 20-25 cm dužine, odnosno od faze rasta 15-83 BBCH skale. Po potrebi tretman ponoviti. Za suzbijanje truleži prskanje je najbolje obaviti u vrijeme cvjetanja i prije zatvaranja grozda.Doza: 2kg/ha preparata uz utrošak 600-1000l/ha vode.Maksimalan broj tretiranja u sezoni: može se primijeniti 3 puta godišnje u razmaku od 10 dana.Karenca: vinova loza 28 dana.Pakovanje: 1kg, 5kg
Terazor® 50 SC
Volume: 1 l
Selective systemic herbicide for the control of annualsbroadleaf weeds in corn and sunflower crops.Active substance: terbuthylazine.......... 500 g/lFormulation: concentrated suspension (SC)Mode of action:Terazor 50 SC is a selective systemic herbicide from the chemical grouptriazine. Plants absorb it through the roots and through the leaves, inhibiting the processphotosynthesis. It manifests itself in the form of chlorosis and necrosis of the leaves.Terazor has a residual action, that is, an active substanceterbuthylazine is retained on the soil surface preventing growthnew weeds.Application:- In the mercantile and silage corn crop- in a dose of 1.5 l/ha on lighter soils with less than 1.5% humus- in a dose of 1.5 - 2.5 l/ha on medium and heavy soilsThe preparation is applied after sowing and before the emergence of corn orafter sprouting up to 3 leaves of corn.- In the sunflower crop - in a dose of 1.0 - 1.5 l/ha after sowing and beforecorn sprouting.Spectrum of action:Annual broadleaf weeds.- annual broad-leaved weeds: common ash (Chenopodiumalbum), nappy ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), gardenercommon (Polygonum persicaria), large gardener (Polygonumlapathifolium), Amaranthus retroflexus, Datura stramonium, Thistle (Xanthiumstrumarium), common sedge (Capsella bursa – pastoris), common sorrel (Solanum nigrum),Chamomile (Matricaria chamomila), fieldwort (Bilderdykia convolvulus), field mustard(Sinapis arvensis),...Notes:Application is not recommended on light and sandy soils (less than 1% humus). In the case ofplowing or early removal of crops, only corn can be sown on the treated areas.The best effectiveness of the preparation TERAZOR 50 SC is achieved by treating the corn crop before emergenceor in the stage of weed emergence. Heavy rainfall or very low soil temperature can cause a transientphytotoxicity. In the fall of the same year, oilseed rape, alfalfa and clover must not be sown.Mixing with other preparations:It can be mixed with other herbicides to widen the spectrum of action.Withdrawal period: provided by the time of applicationPackaging: 1 liter
Teppeki 500 WG
Mass: 2 kg
Selektivan kontaktno-sistemični aficid za suzbijanje lisnih vaši u voćarstvu, ratarstvu i povrtarstvu. Aktivna materija: flonikamid ...... 500g/kg Formulacija: vododisperzibilne granule (WG) PRIMJENA I DOZA JABUKA Primijeniti u koncentraciji od 0,012-0,014% (12-14g/100l vode). Tretirati kod pojave infekcije, početkom proljeća, s pojavom prvih izdanaka. Najprikladnije vrijeme tretiranja je prije cvjetanja, pogotovo za suzbijanje jabučne pepeljaste vaši kad je populacija vaši mala, a lisna masa još nije oštećena. Zdrava lisna masa značajno utiče na efikasno sistemično i translaminarno kretanje unutar biljke kao i dugotrajno djelovanje koje omogućuje zaštitu od lisnih vaši tokom cijelog perioda cvjetanja. Predatorski insekti normalno se razvijaju i doprinose boljoj kontroli lisnih vašiju. Primjena prije cvjetanja osigurava zaštitu tokom cijelog perioda cvjetanja, tako da dolazi do vrlo sporog množenja lisnih vaši nakon cvjetanja čime je olakšana zaštita protiv vašiju tokom cijele vegetacije. Teppeki se može uspješno koristiti i nakon cvjetanja. Primijeniti 200-1000 l vode po hektaru, zavisno o fenofazi rasta. Maksimalno tretirati dva puta za redom i najviše tri puta u sezoni u razmaku od 14-21 dan. Uspješno suzbija jabukinu pepeljastu vaš (Dysaphis plantaginea), kruškinu pepeljastu vaš (Dysaphis pyri), jabukinu zelenu vaš (Aphis pomi), bitno smanjuje populaciju jabukine krvave vaši (Eriosoma lanigerum) i nadopunjuje se u programu sa drugim aficidima.KRUŠKA Primijeniti u koncentraciji od 0,012-0,014% (12-14g/100l vode) uz utrošak 200-1000l vode po hektaru. Teppeki u zemljama EU pokazuje vrlo dobro djelovanje na kruškinu buvu (Psylla pyri). Optimalna primjena je za vrijeme faze žutih jaja kruškine buve, te u isto vrijeme odlično suzbija i vaši Dysaphis spp. BRESKVA Protiv zelene breskvine vaši (Myzus persicae) u koncentraciji 0,012-0,014% (12-14g/100l vode). Maksimalno tretirati dva puta godišnje. U zemljama EU Teppeki je nepogrešiv u suzbijanju lisnih vaši u breskvi. Glavni cilj je suzbijanje zelene breskvine vaši za koju je posljednjih godina ustanovljena otpornost na neonikotinoide u skoro svim ispitanim regijama. Najbolje je upotrijebiti ga prije cvjetanja (prvi tretman), iako vaši nisu još ni prisutne.ŠLJIVA Suzbija šljivinu zelenu vaš (Hyalopterus pruni) i šljivinu vaš uvijalicu (Brachycaudus helichrysi syn. Anuraphis helichrysi) u koncentraciji 0,012-0,014% (12-14g/100l vode). Maksimalno tretirati dva puta godišnje u razmaku od 12-14 dana. PARADAJZ (na otvorenom i u zaštićenom prostoru) Suzbija zelenu breskvinu vaš (Myzus persicae) i pamukovu lisnu vaš (Aphis gossypii). Tretirati kod pojave infekcije (posebno u zaštićenom prostoru kada je više od 5% listova inficirano jednim ili sa više štetočina) u količini od 0,10-0,12kg/ha zavisno od jačine infekcije. Na početku infekcije primijeniti manju količinu. Utrošiti 400-1000l vode po hektaru, zavisno od fenofaze razvoja. Ponoviti tretiranje (do najviše 3 puta godišnje) u razmaku 7 do 14 dana. Teppeki se u dozi 200g/ha preko zemljišta upotrebljava nakon rasađivanja (od kada se biljke ukorijene, do najkasnije 2 do 3 sedmice nakon rasađivanja). Prema potrebi ponoviti tretiranje nakon 1-2 sedmice. U slučaju dvije aplikacije preko sistema za navodnjavanje moguća je i treća upotreba folijarno, ali pod uslovom da je toj primjeni prethodio insekticid za suzbijanje bijele leptiraste vaši sa drugim mehanizmom djelovanja (kao što je CLOSER 120 SC). KROMPIR Uspješno suzbija lisne vaši u količini 0,16kg/ha uz utrošak 200-500l vode/ha. Može se primijeniti najviše dva puta godišnje na istoj površini u razmaku 14 do 21 dan. Za suzbijanje lisnih vaši kao vektora virusa može se primijeniti najviše dva puta godišnje na istoj površini u razmaku od 7 dana.KRASTAVCI, KORNIŠONI, TIKVICE, TIKVE, DINJE I LUBENICE (na otvorenom i u zaštićenom prostoru) Protiv pamukove lisne vaši (Aphis gossypii). Tretirati kod pojave infekcije (posebno u zaštićenomprostoru kada je više od 5% listova inficirano jednim ili sa više štetočina) u količini od 0,10kg/ha. Primijeniti 400-1000l vode po hektaru, zavisno od fenofaze razvoja. Ponoviti tretiranje (do najviše 3 puta godišnje) u razmaku 7 do 14 dana. PREDNOST -Vrlo niska toksičnost -Nema rizika od zagađenja podzemnih voda -Ne predstavlja rizik za vodene organizme, ribe, ptice, pčele -Nema negativnog učinka na predatorske organizme -Nema međusobne otpornosti sa bilo kojim drugim insekticidom -Odlično se uklapa u programe integralne zaštite -Suzbija izuzetno širok spektar lisnih vaši -Visoka efikasnost u svim vremenskim uslovima-Dugoročno održiv-Ekonomično rješenje u zaštiti od insekata. ODLIČNA EFIKASNOST + DUGO DJELOVANJE = VISOKI I KVALITETNI PRINOSI TEPPEKI NE ŠTETI KORISNIM INSEKTIMA Teppeki ima najpovoljniji profil za korisne insekte među aficidima. Gotovo je bezopasan za korisne insekte, predatore lisnih vaši te za pčele. Teppeki omogućava stalnu prisutnost predatora, što bitno smanjuje dinamiku razvoja populacije lisnih vaši. Zbog toga je Teppeki nepogrešiv u programima integralne zaštite. NAČIN DJELOVANJA FLONIKAMID: JEDINSTVENI MEHANIZAM DJELOVANJA Kod mnogih značajnih aficida (npr. neonikotinoidi) uočeno je znatno skraćeno djelovanje na lisne vaši, a i smanjenje efikasnosti. Flonikamid je jedinstven aficid, koji ne pokazuje međusobnu otpornost sa bilo kojom grupom insekticida, zbog čega je značajan “partner” za anti-rezistentne programe zaštite. Flonikamid djeluje kontaktno i digestivno. Lisne vaši prestaju s hranjenjem najkasnije 1 sat nakon prskanja. Zbog dehidratacije i izgladnjelosti ugibaju nakon 2-5 dana. U biljkama se flonikamid premiješta sistemično, prema gore, ali i translaminarno. Biljke intenzivno usvajaju flonikamid preko lista i preko korijena. Velikom broju insekticida naglo opada efikasnost zbog uticaja svjetlosti i visokih temperatura. Teppeki je u potpunosti funkcionalan u svim vremenskim uslovima. Teppeki štiti kulture od lisnih vaši najmanje 21 dan i u izuzetno teškim uslovima. Usled većih populacija lisnih vaši u vrijeme tretiranja štiti najmanje 14 dana. KARENCA: 21 dan za jabuku, krušku, breskvu, šljivu; 14 dana za krompir; 3 dana za paradajz, krastavac, kornišon, tikvice, tikve, dinje i lubenice. Pakovanje: 1.5 g, 14 g, 140 g, 2 kgKULTURAINSEKTPARADAJZMacrosiphum euphorbiaeJABUKARhopalosiphum maidisBRESKVA I KROMPIRAphis pomi, Dysaphis plantagineaŠLJIVAMyzus persicaeDINJAAnuraphis helichrysi, Dazctynotus ambrosiaeKROMPIRAphis gossypiiRUŽEAphis nasturtii, Aphis frangulae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Selective translocation systemic herbicide with a wide spectrum of actionComposition:- Isoxaflutol: 225 ± 13.5 g/l- Thiencarbazone-methyl: 90 ± 9 g/lContains a preservative:- Cyprosulfamide 150 ± 9 g/lFormulation: concentrated suspension (SC)Application: in the corn crop: intended for the control of narrow-leaved insectsand broad-leaved weeds in an application rate of 0.44 l/ha (4.4 ml per 100m2) after sowing and before sprouting or after sprouting corn, that iswhen it is in the stage of up to 3 leaves (stages 00-13 of the BBCH scale), and broad-leaved weeds2-4 leaves, and narrow-leaved in the budding phase. It is absorbed by the roots and leaves.Spectrum of action:Types of weeds it controls well:theophrastus linden (Abutilon thophrasti), common stir (Amaranthusretroflexus), diaper ambrosia (Ambrosia artemisiifolia),common ash (Chenopodium album), heart-leaved ash(Chenopodium hybridum), common datula (Datura stramonium),Watermelon (Hibiscus trionum), Dvornik large (Polygonumlapathifolium), common gardenia (Polygonum persicaria), mustardfield (Sinapis arvensis), common nightshade (Solanum nigrum)and wild sorghum (Sorghum halepense) from seed.Types of weeds that it satisfactorily controls:weed millet (Echinochloa crus-galli), bird's-eye millet (Polygonumaviculare), gray fly (Setaria glauca), green fly (Setaria viridis),annual sedge (Stachys annua) and common bottle (Xanthium strumarium).Weed types it controls poorly:Njiv convolvulus (Bilderdykia convolvulus), Njiv bonito (Cirsium arvense), Njiv poponac(Convolvulus arvensis), common sorghum (Portulaca oleracea) and wild sorghum (Sorghum halepense) from rhizomes.Method of application: Foliar and over the soil, by spraying from the ground.Water consumption: 200-400 l/ha (2-4 l per 100 m2).Maximum number of treatments: Once, during the year, on the same surface.Note for application: After application, the weed plants absorb the active substances through the leaf androot. It contains a protectant so that the full dose of the preparation is used both before germination and in stages up to the thirdcorn leaf. It has the characteristic that reactivation occurs with each subsequent rainfallaction that provides residual action.MIXING WITH OTHER PESTICIDES:In order to expand the spectrum of action, it can be applied in a tank mix with other herbicidesprevious mixing test. It must not be mixed with herbicides (incompatibility) of the formulationsuspo-emulsions (SE) in the period after sowing and before crop emergence. Do not use organophosphorus insecticidesfor seed treatment or foliar if the application of this herbicide is planned.Waiting period: OVPWorking curfew: 48 hours.Packaging: 5 L, 1 L, 440 ml, 100 ml
Sultana is a selective systemic herbicide intended for controlannual narrow-leaved and broad-leaved weeds in the oilseed cropcanola, and after transplanting cabbage, kale, cauliflower and broccoli,as well as nurseries of ornamental shrubs and woody plants.Active substance: metazachlor ……………… 500 g/lFormulation: concentrated suspension (SC)Mode of action:- Plants take it up by the root and hypocotyl, and very weakly by the leaf sprouted pods.- Movement in the plant is very limited (xylem).- Inhibits cell division and tissue differentiation process. It inhibits andthe process of synthesis of very long chain fatty acids. He is selective herbicide.Application and dosage:- In the rapeseed crop, it is applied in a dose of 2 and 2.5 l/ha by treatmentsoil after sowing, and before crop emergence.- In the crop of cabbage, kale, cauliflower and broccoli from seedlings in quantity1.5-2.0 l/ha It is applied 7-10 days after transplanting when cabbage plants are growingare in the stage of development of 3-6 leaves (BBCH 13-16), and before weed emergence.When applying the product, the roots of the seedlings must be goodcovered with a layer of soil. The crop must not be exposed to stress, ieat the time of applying the product, the crop must be in good condition.Application of preparations based on metazachlor requires good prepared soil.If the soil is not well prepared, it can happen thinning of the assembly.Water consumption: 200 - 400 liters of water per hectare.Spectrum of action: Purslane (Agropyrum repens), mouse tail (Alopecurus myosuroides), willy-nilly(Capsella bursa pastoris), weed millet (Echinochloa cruss-galli), cut needle (Geraniumdissectum), red dead nettle (Lamium purpureum), field sparrow (Lithospermumarvensis), chamomile (Matricaria spp.), memorial (Myosotis arvensis), papaver (Papaver spp.), meadowsweet(Poa annua), common sedge (Senecio vulgaris), flycatchers (Setaria spp.), wild sorghum from seeds (Sorghum halepense), honeysuckle (Stellaria media), nightingales (Veronica spp.), cornflowers (Bromus spp.),cinderella (Chenopodiumalbum), galium aparine, bird's-eye (Polygonum aviculare),nettles (Urtica spp.), wild barley (Hordeum spp.), mustard (Sinapis arvensis), wild wheat(Triticum spp.), violet (Viola arvensis), wild oats (Avena fatua).Crop rotation: In the case of plowing after treating oilseed rape only with the preparation Sultan, in the springnext year, spring wheat, spring barley, oats, potatoes, sugar beet, spring oilseed rape can be sown,corn, beans, sunflower and seed flax. In the same fall, plowing is necessary for sowing oilseed rape or wheatto be at least 20 cm deep. After application in the spring on treated surfaces, after5 months after application, carrots, parsnips and lettuce can be sown. Before sowing any crop, it is necessary is plowing to a depth of at least 15 cm.Mixing with other preparations: To expand the spectrum of action, it is recommended to combine withClematis or Chrome sinon preparation.Maximum number of treatments on the same surface: once every three yearsWaiting period: provided by the time of applicationToxicity: III group of poisonsPackaging: 1 liter and 20 liters
Silwet Gold
Volume: 1 l
ORIGINALNI ORGANSKO SILIKONSKI OKVAŠIVAČ Sastav: polialkilenoksid - heptametiltriksiloksan 84%Formulacija: Koncentrovani rastvor (SL) Silwet Gold je okvašivač nove generacije. Spada u poznatu organosilikonsku grupu superokvašivača. Silwet Gold smanjuje površinski napon vodenih rastvora u mnogo nižim dozama od tradicionalnih odnosno konvencionalnih okvašivača. Kompatibilan je sa svim sredstvima za zaštitu bilja, folijarnim đubrivima i regulatorima rasta biljaka i koristi seu cilju povećavanja njihove efikasnosti. Silwet Gold djeluje kao veza između čestica pesticida i tretirane biljne površine i na taj način osigurava bolju pokrivenost i zaštićenost biljaka i smanjuje potrebne količine vode po jedinici površine. Silwet Gold osigurava brže usvajanje sistemičnih aktivnih materija u biljno tkivo i čini tretiranje biljaka mnogo sigurnijim i otpornijim na ispiranje kišom. U kombinaciji s pesticidima, ovo sredstvo je vrlo sigurno za tretirane biljke ali se uvijek preporučuje testiranje kompatibilnosti u slučaju kad postoji sumnja na fitotoksičnost koja može nastati pri kombinacijama pesticida, naročito pri tretiranju većih površina.PREDNOSTI - poboljšava pokrivenost i do 10 puta više u odnosu na druge konvencionalne okvašivače-poboljšava efikasnost sredstava za zaštitu bilja i đubriva na način da mnogo lakše i brže prodiru u zelene biljne dijelove- smanjuje se količina vode potrebne za tretiranje-poboljšava se suzbijanje insekata, uzročnika bolesti i korova, jer pesticid dospijeva i na ona mjesta koja su slabo dostupna (npr. naličje lista)- poboljšava prodiranje preparata kroz krošnju/lisnu masu usjeva- otporan je na ispiranje padavinama PRIMJENA • Ratarstvo: 0,1l/ha uz utrošak vode 150-250l/ha• Vinogradarstvo, voćarstvo: 0,025-0,05% uz utrošak vode 250-500l/ha• Povrće, ukrasno bilje: 0,01-0,1% uz utrošak vode 250-500l/haKARENCA: pridržavati se karence onog sredstva kojem se Silwet Gold dodaje.Pakovanje: 1L
Rival 607 SL
Volume: 500 ml
Sistemični fungicid za suzbijanje uzročnika polijeganja rasada i plamenjače Aktivna materija: propamokarb-hidrohlorid.........722 g/l Formulacija: koncentrovani rastvor (SL) Primjena: Rival 607 SL se primjenjuje kao fungicid za suzbijanje prouzrokovača: Polijeganja rasada (Phythium spp.), plamenjače paprike, plamenjače krastavca, plamenjače gerbera,... -U usjevima paprike, paradajza – za suzbijanje prouzrokovača polijeganja rasada (Pythium spp.) u koncentraciji 0,15 % (15 ml u 10 litara vode), tretiranjem poslije sjetve a prije nicanja usjeva ili neposredno poslije nicanja usjeva. Za suzbijanje prouzrokovača plamenjače (Phytophtora spp.) u koncentraciji od 0,25 % (25 ml u 10 litara vode) zalivanjem rasada 3 dana prije rasađivanja i 2 puta nakon rasađivanja u intervalima 7-10 dana. -U usjevu krastavca – za subijanje prouzrokovačaplamenjače krastavca (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) u koncentraciji 0,2% (20 ml u 10 litara vode) preventivnim tretiranjem ili pri pojavi prvih simptoma. -U usjevu lala – za suzbijanje prouzrokovača polijeganja u koncentraciji 0,3% (30 ml u 10 litara vode) potapanjem očišćenih lukovica u rastvor (lukovice potopljene u rastvoru držati 15-20 minuta) prije sadnje. -U zasadu petunija – za suzbijanje prouzrokovača polijeganja rasada (Pythium spp.) u koncentaciji 0,25-0,37% (25-37 ml u 10 litara vode) tretiranjem posije sjetve a prije nicanja. Utrošak vode: Kod folijarnog tretiranja (orošavanje ili fino prskanje) 200-400 l/ ha . Zalivanje rasada – 10 l rastvora/m². Maksimalan broj tretiranja u toku godine na istoj površini: 4 puta Mogućnost miješanja sa drugim pesticidima: Može se miješati sa svim kontaktnim i sistemičnim fungicidima za suzbijanje plamenjače. Karenca: 14 dana za krastavce i paradajz, 35 dana za papriku Otrovnost: III grupa otrova Pakovanje: 25 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml
RIDOWN is a non-selective (total) systemic herbicide forsuppression of perennial rhizome weeds, as well as annual iof perennial narrow-leaved and broad-leaved weeds on non-agricultural fieldsand agricultural areas.It is applied exclusively to sprouted weeds that adopt it as their owngreen parts.Active substance: glyphosate.....................480 g/lFormulation: concentrated solution (SL)Application:1) in orchards and vineyards, by treating when the weeds are high15-40 cm, in dose:a) 2-4 l/ha, for controlling annual weedsb) 4-8 l/ha, for controlling perennial weedsc) 8-12 l/ha, for controlling extremely resistant perennial weeds2) on stubble, in a dose of 3-10 l/ha, to suppress annual iof perennial narrow-leaved and broad-leaved weeds, by treating them in dependencefrom the present weeds, in the phase of intensive growth to the full phaseflowering.3) for suppressing shoots and stumps, by treating them immediatelyafter cutting the tree, in conc. 10% in the period May-December.4) before preparing the soil for sowing or planting agricultural cropsculture in a dose of 2-6 l/ha, depending on the speciesand stages of weed development5) on meadows and pastures by treating when the weeds are in the stageintensive growth, in a dose of 2-8 l/ha, independing on the type and stage of weed development6) for desiccation of oilseed rape, in a dose of 2-4 l/ha, treated 14 days before harvest7) in dry canals or occasionally flooded canals and swamps, which are brought to culture afterdrainage in a dose of 4-8 l/ha8) in forestry, in a dose of 4-12 l/ha depending on the type of plantings and weeds to be controlled9) on non-agricultural areas, as a total herbicide, in a dose of 3-12 l/ha, by treating when the weeds arein the phase of intensive growth until the full flowering phase.10) on homesteads, the area around industrial buildings, power lines, cemeteries, etc., using back-mounted onessprayer, in concentration:- 1% (100 ml in 10 l of water), for controlling annual weeds- 2% (200 ml in 10 l of water), for controlling perennial weeds.The dosage of the preparation depends on the type of weed being treated and the degree of weediness.• 4 l/ha for the control of sedges, magpies, sedges, sedges, ragweed, stickleback, ash, styra,fieldwort, mouse's-ear, violet, buttercup, thistle,• 4-6 l/ha to control wild sorghum from rhizomes, bonito, mint, tansy, dandelion,...• 6-8 l/ha for control of blackberry, blackberry, and wild blackberry• 8-12 l/ha for control of horsetails (horsetails)Waiting period:• fruit and vines – 35 days,• pre-harvest application in small grains and oilseed rape – 14 days• Toxicity: III group of poisonsPackaging: 1, 10 litersBefore applying the preparation, be sure to read the instructions for use!
Ranman Top
Volume: 1 l
Fungicid za suzbijanje biljnih bolesti na povrću, cvijeću, ukras-nom bilju i duvanu.Aktivna materija: ciazofamid .........160g/lFormulacija: koncentrovana suspenzija (SC)PRIMJENA I DOZAZa sve registrovane kulture (krompir, paradajz, krastavac, dinja, duvan, ukrasno bilje)primjenjuje se u količini do 0,5l/ha. Broj prskanja u jednoj vegetacijskoj sezoni jenajviše 6 puta.RANMAN TOP zbog načina premiještanja u biljci nije osjetljiv na potrošnju vode, već i sa količinama manjim od 200l/hamože se postići kvalitetna aplikacija. U svakom slučaju količine vode iznad 400l/ha nisu potrebne.Primjenjuje se preventivnoPREPORUKERANMAN TOP je ključni član Belchimovog PotatoPro programa zaštite krompira gdje se preporučuje:• Kad se RANMAN TOP koristi sam, obavezna je preventivna primjena• Kada proizvođač traži što bolju kurativnost u zaštiti krumpira od plamenjače treba prskatinajsnažnijim rješenjem protiv plamenjače:- RANMAN TOP 0,4l/ha + CYMBAL 0,25kg/ha• RANMAN TOP ne djeluje na koncentričnu pjegavost• Zaštita krtola-Što je veći broj prskanja sa RANMAN TOP-om od prije cvjetanja krompira do kraja sezone, to jebolja zaštita krtola krompira. Od najvećeg značaja su dva prskanja na kraju vegetacije.Zadnje prskanje od ova dva se kombinuje sa desikacijom.S lakoćom po kiši i suncu, od sadnje do berbe.PREDNOSTIRANMAN TOP sadrži aktivnu materiju ciazofamid, jedinstvenu po načinudjelovanja a formulacija preparata sadrži pomoćna sredstva koja mudaju izvanredne karakteristike:-Dugotrajno i pouzdano djelovanje u svim uslovima: način premiještanjau biljci, neisperivost kišom i vezanje aktivne materije na površinu listaomogućavaju duže i pouzdanije preventivno djelovanje od drugih fungi-cida.-Otporan na ispiranje kišom -RANMAN TOP je već 15 minuta nakonprskanja neisperiv kišom. Ni intenzivne kiše s više od 100mm/m2 nemogu ga isprati.-Kompleksna formulacija omogućava odličnu raspodjelu (pokrovnost) nalisnoj površini čime upotpunosti štiti biljku.-Zaštita novog porasta -RANMAN TOP nije sistemik, ali se funkcionalno ponaša kao sistemik i u praksi ostvarujeizvanrednu zaštitu novog porasta.Specifične karakteristike ciazofamida i pomoćnih sredstava omogućuju specifično premiještanje u i na biljci što u vrijemenajintenzivnije vegetacije garantuje najmanje 7 dana zaštite od plamenjača. Službena ispitivanja nezavisnih instituta uEU ocjenjuju RANMAN TOP kao najbolju preventivnu zaštitu novog porasta, čak i u poređenju sa sistemicima.-Najbolja zaštita krtola krompira -nezavisna ispitivanja u EU preporučuju RANMAN TOP kao najbolje rješenje za zaštitukrtola krompira od plamenjače. Takva efikasnost temelji se na odličnom uništavanju spora i sprečavanju razvoja zoospo-ra plamenjače krompira.-RANMAN TOP je efikasan na plamenjaču krompira i kod niskih kao i kod visokih temperatura, štonije slučaj s drugim fungicidima. Navedeno svojstvo omogućuje efikasnost tokom cijele vegetacije-RANMAN TOP nema unakrsne otpornosti ni sa jednim fungicidom, a pojava otpornosti bolestipraktično nije moguća. RANMAN TOP se u zemljama EU koristi i do 10 puta u sezoni. U Hrvatskojje maksimalan broj tretiranja u sezoni 6 puta.Slijedom navedenih karakteristika RANMAN TOP je u zapadnoj Evropi jedan od najprodavanijihpreparata za zaštitu krompira protiv plamenjače.KARENCA: 7 dana za krompir,3 dana za paradajz, krastavac, krastavac za preradu (kornišon) i dinju.Pakovanje: 10ml, 50ml, 250ml, 1LRANMAN TOP je dio Belchimovih programa zaštite
Selective translocation herbicide for the control of annual iof some perennial broadleaf weeds in soybean and corn cropsActive substance: bentazone 480g/lFormulation: concentrated solution (SL)Application: RAINZONE is applied in corn and soybean crops inamount of 3-4 l/ha (30-40 ml per 100 m2) by treating after germination andemergence of weeds, i.e. when broad-leaved weeds are found in the younger onesdevelopment stage 2-6 leaves and corn up to the fifth developedleaf (15 BBCH-scale) or soybeans in the stage from the first to the third trefoil(11-12 BBCH-scale).Spectrum of action:Controls well: linden of theophrastus (Abutilon thophrasti), redroot amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus), stir hybrid (Amaranthus hybridus),field convolvulus (Bilderdykia convolvulus), common ash(Chenopodium album), heart-leaved ash (Chenopodiumhybridum), thorn apple (Datura stramonium), field watermelon(Hibiscus trionum), bird's-eye flower (Polygonum aviculare), bird's eye flowerlarge (Polygonum lapathifolium), field mustard (Sinapis arvensis),common assistant (Solanum nigrum) and rough cocklebur (Xanthiumstrumarium).Satisfactorily suppresses: diaper ambrosia (Ambrosiaartemisiifolia).Weakly suppresses: Bonito (Cirsium arvense) and Poponac (Njiva).(Convolvulus arvensis).Water consumption: 200-400 l/ha (2-4 l per 100 m2).Note for application: Preferably by treatment in the late afternoon hours. Do not treatat temperatures above 25 °C.Mixing: In the soybean crop, mix it with Imazofil and Moxbet to broaden the spectrumactions. In corn, mix it with preparations based on Dicamba. Do not mix with graminicidesnor with organophosphorus insecticides.Crop rotation: Bentazone decomposes quickly in the soil, so there is no danger for the next crop. In the event thatcrops fail or are removed prematurely, soybeans and alfalfa can be sown after applicationand small grains.Waiting period: 63 daysPackaging: 1 liter
Racer® is a selective systemic herbicide intended for controlannual broad-leaved and narrow-leaved weeds.Active substance: flurochloridone …… 200 g/lFormulation: emulsion concentrate (EC)Application and dosage:- In the sunflower crop, it is applied after sowing and before sproutingcrops in a dose of 2-4 l/ha with water consumption: 200-400 l/ha.- In the potato crop, it is applied after planting and before sproutingcrops in a dose of 2-4 l/ha with water consumption: 200-400 l/ha.- In fruit and vine plantations, it is applied in the spring, before orimmediately after weed emergence: in young plants (ages 1-3years) in a dose of 1-3 l/ha, and in plantations over 4 years old in a dose4 l/ha with water consumption: 200-400 l/ha.Spectrum of action:It perfectly suppresses: mustard (even in the rosette phase), styr, powdery mildew,abutilon and assistant.Satisfactorily suppresses flies and ragweed (when there is a lot of pressurepart of the weed gets through).Weakly suppresses: gardeners and vines, wild hemp, bonito, thistle.Maximum number of treatments during the year: onceWithdrawal period: 63 days for potatoes, provided by the time of applicationfor sunflowers, fruit and vines.Packaging: 1 liter and 5 litersNote: In order to show its maximum effect, it must be applied within 14 daysthere will be at least 10 mm of precipitation.The economic solution (the best investment-gain ratio) is a dose of 2 l/ha. Application is also possible inearly post treatment, when the sunflower is in the stage of up to 2 leaves, but exclusively alone and in a dose of 2 l/ha. This one you should not do the treatment before consulting an expert.If it is applied after sowing, and before sprouting, it gives the best results in a dose of 2.5 l/ha or in incorporation,but then apply a dose of 3 l/ha.
Volume: 5 l
Soil herbicide intended for the control of annualsof broad-leaved and some annual narrow-leaved weeds inpotatoes, soybeans and sunflowers.Active substance: metobromuron........... 500 g/lFormulation: concentrate for suspension (SC)Application and basic characteristicsPROMAN is registered for use before potato emergence (forthe time of spraying can sprout a maximum of 10-20% of potatoes) in quantity2.5 to 4 l/ha, before soybean sprouting in the amount of 2-3 l/ha and before sproutingsunflower in a dose of 2-3 l/ha. Doses depend on soil texture.On heavy soils, higher doses are used, and lower doses are usedon light soils.In potatoes, soybeans and sunflowers because of the monotonous and limited selectionherbicides, problems with certain weeds are emerging more and more.PROMAN is a highly flexible herbicide that:• Works on a very wide range of weeds (broad-leaved and narrow-leaved)• Works on stubborn weeds such as:Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Abuthilon theophrasti, Solanum nigrum,Xanthium strumarium• It is an ideal partner for combining with other herbicides.Potato. PROMAN is a key member of Belchim's POTATO PROprotection program. For the protection of potatoes Belchim on the basistests in Europe and in Croatia as the best solution for suppressionof annual broad-leaved and narrow-leaved weeds suggests a combination of:2.5-3 l PROMAN + 0.2-0.25 l CLEMATIS- if necessary, it can be combined with herbicides based on pendimethalin- there are no problems with selectivity as is the case with metribuzin- PROMAN and metribuzin (combined with a substantially reduced dose) can also be quality partners.In the intensive production of potatoes in Western Europe, potato producers use two each yearup to four herbicidal active substances, because this is the only way they can satisfactorily suppress weeds.In the most important countries for potato production in Western Europe, PROMAN has proven to bethe most flexible partner for other herbicides.Soy. The registered dose of PROMAN in soybeans is 2-3 l/ha and primarily depends on the type of soil (whichthe lighter/sandier the soil, the lower the dose). Excessive doses of PROMAN in soy, especially inintense rainfall, can cause transient phytotoxicity. PROMAN is perfectly combined withother herbicides. For advice on combining, contact Agrimatc agronomists in the field.PROMAN is a key herbicide for application in soybeans before the emergence of crops and weeds:- enables the unhindered development of the crop and protects the crop from dangerous weeds such as ragweed from the beginningand other weeds- spraying before emergence allows targeted corrective spraying after emergence in just one timepass, and that in a longer time interval, because the weeds of the subsequent ponika due to spraying earliersprouts develop more slowly. For advice on corrective spraying, ask for advice from Agrimatc's agronomistservices in the field (suitable active substances are imazamox, bentazon, graminicides).Sunflower. The dose of PROMAN in sunflower is 2-3 l/ha and primarily depends on the type of soil (which are soilsthe lighter / sandier the dose is smaller). PROMAN combines well with other herbicides. For adviceabout combining, contact Agrimatc agronomists in the field. PROMAN enables smoothcrop development and from the beginning protects the crop from dangerous weeds such as, for example, ambrosia.Proman is a soil herbicide.For a good effect, the active substance must be evenly represented in the moisture of the upper layer of the soil.This means that the soil must be prepared in an even clod, and the top layer of soil must besufficiently compact to be within reach of capillary moisture from the deeper layers of the soil and yesit retains rainwater well during rain. Improperly cultivated soil makes it impossiblesatisfactory activation of the active substance as well as action on weeds that can sprout from deeperlayers of soil where moisture is available to the plant.Proman is a soil herbicide, which is why its action is influenced by the specific characteristics of the soilas well as weather conditions. In certain extreme situations - very light soil, very heavy rainsand very low content of organic matter, in order to prevent phytotoxicity it is necessary to adherethe following:Potato:On very light sandy soils (sand fraction content higher than 65%) and with low organic mattermatter (< 1.5%), a maximum dose of 2 l/ha is recommended. On such lands, especially inin cases of very heavy rains, higher doses increase the risk of phytotoxicity.Soy and sunflower:Recommendations for avoiding the risk of phytotoxicity:• Spraying before emergence• Desirable soil temperature > 10 ° C• In cases of heavy rains after spraying, the risk factor for phytotoxicity is increased on soils thatin addition to a little clay, they also contain a little organic matter (< 1.5%).• In soils with less than 1.5% organic matter, it is necessary to determine the doses depending on the contentclayMixing with other preparations: For the protection of potatoes, Belchim is the best control solutionannual broad-leaved and narrow-leaved weeds suggests a combination: 2.5-3 l PROMAN + 0.2-0, 25l CLEMATIS. If necessary, it can be combined with herbicides based on pendimethalin. Does not haveno problems with selectivity as is the case with metribuzin.Packaging: 1 liter, 5 liters
Volume: 1 l
Insekticid i akaricid namijenjen suzbijanju štetnih insekata i grinja u voćarstvu i ukrasnom bilju. Aktivna materija: parafinsko ulje ..... 817g/l Formulacija: koncentrat za emulziju (EC) PRIMJENA PO KULTURAMA Citrusi - žuta narandžina štitasta vaš (Aonidiella aurantii). Količina primjene sredstva: 20l/ha. Utrošak vode: 1300l/ha. Vrijeme primjene: od početka rasta i razvoja ploda do kada su plodovi postigli 90% svoje završne veličine (BBCH 70-79). Optimalno vrijeme primjene je od početka juna do kraja avgusta. Kod jakog napada preporučuje se primjena tokom zime (februar, mart). Jabuka, kruška i koštićavo voće -crveni voćni pauk (Panonychus ulmi). Količina primjene: 20l/ha. Utrošak vode: 1000-1300l/ha. Vrijeme primjene: od stadijuma bubrenja pupova pa do pojave stadijuma ružičastih ili bijelih balona (latice zatvorene) cvjetnog pupa (BBCH 51-57) kada su još prisutna zimska jaja crvenog voćnog pauka ili neposredno pred izlazak iz jaja. Kruška – obična kruškina buva (Cacopsylla pyri). Količina primjene: 20l/ha. Utrošak vode: 1300l/ha. Vrijeme primjene: od stadijuma bubrenja pupova pa do pojave stadijuma ružičastih ili bijelih balona (latice zatvorene) cvjetnog pupa (BBCH 51-57) kada su još prisutna zimska jaja. Preporučuje se suzbijanje obaviti kada prezimljujuće ženke kruškine buve odlože jaja ili neposredno prije izlaska larvi iz jaja. Ukrasno bilje – vaši, zimzelena štitasta vaš, lipin crveni pauk (Eotetranychus tiliarum). Količina sredstva za primjenu je 20l/ha, uz utrošak vode od 1000-1300l/ha, te vrijeme primjene BBCH 10-49. U svim kulturama prskanje je dozvoljeno jednom (1) u sezoni. Pakovanje: 1 l
Nicon 4 OD
Volume: 1 l
Selective systemic herbicide used for controlannual and perennial grasses, as well as annualsand perennial broadleaf weeds in the mercantile isilage cornActive substance: nicosulfuron.......... 40 g/lFormulation: oil dispersion (OD)Mode of action:- Belongs to the sulfonylurea group- It is absorbed through leaves and roots, moves up and down in the plant,it moves rapidly into the meristem tissues- It inhibits the synthesis of acetolactate synthetase (ALS), thus preventing itsynthesis of branched amino acids.Application:It is used in mercantile and silage corn crops:1) One-time application, when the crop has 2-6 leavesa) 1 l/ha (10 ml per 100 m²), for the suppression of annual grasses andbroadleaf weeds, by treating when the weeds are in the 2-6 leaf stage.b) 1.25 l/ha (12.5 ml per 100 m²), to control wild sorghum from the rhizome,treatment when the weed is 15-20 cm high.2) Double application (split application):a) first treatment in the amount of 0.75 l/ha (7.5 ml per 100 m²), whenannual grass weeds and annual and perennial broadleaf weedsweeds in the 2-4 leaf stage and wild sorghum just sprouted;b) second treatment in the amount of 0.5 l/ha (5 ml per 100 m²), whenannual grass and annual and perennial broadleaf weedsregenerated, and wild sorghum 15-20 cm high.Spectrum of action: Grassy and broad-leaved weedsWeed species it controls well:- annual grass (scoly-leaved) weeds, such as: weed millet (Echinochloa crus-galli), flyleafgray (Setaria glauca), wild sorghum from seeds (Sorghum halepense).- perennial grass (scolyte) weeds, such as wild rhizome sorghum (Sorghum halepense)- one-year broad-leaved weeds, such as: Theophrastus linden (Abutilon teophrasti), Styr ordinary(Amaranthus retroflexus), common loboda (Atriplex patula), common ash (Chenopodium album),Datura stramonium, Hibiscus trionum, Papaverrhoeas), common bitter gourd (Polygonum lapathifolium), field mustard (Sinapis arvensis), bottle gourd(Xanthium strumarium),..- perennial broad-leaved weeds, such as: Bonamida Njiva (Cirsium arvense), Poponac Njiva(Convolvulus arvensis).Mixing with other preparations:It can be mixed with preparations based on dicamba and 2,4-D (Dicopur Top), 2,4-D and fluorasul (Mustang), mesotrione (ESMERO)Maximum number of treatments on the same surface during the year: once or twice (in doubleapplication)Withdrawal period: provided by the time of applicationToxicity: III group of poisonsPackaging: 1 liter, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.1 liters
The selective systemic herbicide that is applied is for controlannual and perennial grasses, as well as annuals and perennial broadleaf weeds in the crop of mercantile i silage cornActive substance: nicosulfuron.......... 40 g/lFormulation: oil dispersion (OD)Mode of action:- Belongs to the sulfonylurea group- It is absorbed through leaves and roots, moves up and down in the plant,it moves quickly into the meristem tissues- It inhibits the synthesis of acetolactate synthetase (ALS), thus preventingsynthesis of branched chain amino acids.Application:It is used in mercantile and silage corn crops:1) Single application, when the crop has 2-6 leavesa) 1 l/ha (10 ml per 100 m²), for the suppression of annual grasses andbroadleaf weeds, by treating when the weeds are in the 2-6 leaf stage.b) 1.25 l/ha (12.5 ml per 100 m²), to control wild sorghum from the rhizome,by treating when the weeds are 15-20 cm high.2) Double application (split application):a) first treatment in the amount of 0.75 l/ha (7.5 ml per 100 m²), whenannual grass weeds and annual and perennial broadleaf weedsweeds in the 2-4 leaf stage and wild sorghum just sprouted;b) second treatment in the amount of 0.5 l/ha (5 ml per 100 m²), whenannual grass and annual and perennial broadleaf weedsregenerated, and wild sorghum 15-20 cm high.Spectrum of activity: Grass and broadleaf weedsWeed species it controls well:- one-year grass weeds, such as: weed millet (Echinochloa crus-galli), flyleafgray (Setaria glauca), wild seed sorghum (Sorghum halepense).- perennial grass (stalk) weeds, such as wild rhizome sorghum (Sorghum halepense)- one-year broad-leaved weeds, such as: theophrastus linden (Abutilon teophrasti), common styr(Amaranthus retroflexus), common loboda (Atriplex patula), common ash (Chenopodium album),common datula (Datura stramonium), field watermelon (Hibiscus trionum), common bulla (Papaverrhoeas), common bitter gourd (Polygonum lapathifolium), field mustard (Sinapis arvensis), bottle gourd(Xanthium strumarium),..- perennial broad-leaved weeds, such as: Bonito (Cirsium arvense), Poponac(Convolvulus arvensis).Mixing with other preparations:It can be mixed with preparations based on dicamba and 2,4-D (Dicopur Top), 2,4-D and fluorasul (Mustang), mesotrione (Metto)Maximum number of treatments on the same surface during the year: once or twice (in doubleapplication)Shelf life: provided by the time of applicationToxicity: III group of poisonsPackaging: 1 liter, 250 ml, 5 liters
Neopitroid prah pro
Mass: 100 g
NEOPITROID powder successfully controls ants, cockroaches, lice, fleas, mites, ticks, bed bugs, storage pests and the like. Prolonged and good initial action. Pleasant smell.
Selective systemic herbicide for the control of broadleaf weedsin soybean, pea, bean, alfalfa and sunflower crops.Active substance: imazamox.......... 40 g/lFormulation: concentrated solution (SL)Mode of action:Post-emergence herbicide that is absorbed by the leaves and rootsand translocates to the growing parts. It inhibits the synthesis of essentialamino acids through inhibition of the enzyme acetolactate synthetase (ALS,AHAS) that catalyze their synthesis. Selectivity in relation toSoju is based on rapid detoxification through the demethylation processand glucosylation.Application:- In the crop of soybeans, peas, beans after the crop has sprouted, when it is a cropin stage 1-3 trefoil (stages 11-13 BBCH scale) in a dose of 1-1.2 l/ha- In the alfalfa crop in the establishment after crop emergence, in the third phasetrefoil (stage 13 of the BBCH scale) in a dose of 1-1.2 l/ha- In the sunflower crop (only tolerant to imidazolinones) fromsprouting up to three pairs of leaves (stages 05-15 BBCH scale) in a dose of 1.2 l/haor in split application 0.8 l/ha (in the stage up to the third pair of sunflower leaves),second application 0.4 l/ha (after 7-10 days).Water consumption: 200-400 l/haSpectrum of action:Annual and some perennial broad-leaved and some narrow-leaved weedsWeed species that it controls well in a dose of 1 l/ha:- Broad-leaved weeds: Amaranthus blitoides, Amaranthus blitoides, Amaranthus blitoides(A. retroflexus), field creeper(Bilderdyckia convolvulus), common ash (Chenopodium album), common tatula (Daturastramonium), field mustard (Polygonum persicaria), field mustard (Sinapis arvensis),common assistant (Solanum nigrum), common bottle (Xanthium strumarium).- Narrow-leaved weeds: gray fly (Setaria glauca), green fly (Setaria viridis), sticky fly(Setaria verticillata), wild sorghum from seeds (Sorghum halepense).Weed species that it controls well in a dose of 1.2 l/ha:- Broad-leaved weeds: diaper ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), lipica (Abutilon theophrasti)Weed species that are weakly controlled by both doses of application:- Broad-leaved weeds: Watermelon (Hibiscus trionum)Mixing with other preparations:it must not be mixed with insecticides from the group of carbamates and organophosphatesMaximum number of treatments on the same surface during the year: onceWithdrawal period: soybean - 35 days, sunflower - provided by the time of applicationCrop rotation:- 4 months after application of the preparation on the treated surfaces, the following can be sown:barley, wheat, rye, sunflower and tobacco- 9 months after application of the preparation, untreated surfaces can be sown:corn, cotton, potatoes and rice- 12 months after application of the preparation on the treated surfaces, the following can be sown:oilseed rape and sugar beet.Packaging: 1 liter
Herbicide for the control of annual narrow-leaved weeds and somebroadleaf weeds in corn for grain and silage and perennialsnarrow-leaved weeds from rhizomes and from seeds.Active substance: nicosulfuron 40 g/lFormulation: oil concentrate for suspension (OD)MOTIVELL is part of Belchim's corn protection programApplication and dosageMOTIVELL is intended for the control of annual and perennialnarrow-leaved and annual broad-leaved weeds (e.g.ambrosia, garden orache, green amaranth., lady's thumb, wild oat, wolverine,whitefly) in corn in the amount of 1-1.25 l/ha (100-125 ml per1,000 m²).  A smaller amount is used to control annualsweeds in earlier development stages, and a larger amount in later onesstages of development of seed perennial narrow-leaved weeds.If the emergence of weeds is uniform, it is used once, when cornhas 3-6 leaves, and if weed germination is uneven - extended,split spraying is recommended, twice at half the amount.The first time is applied when the corn is 10-15 cm high, and the second timetime after 7-10 days.Weeds are most sensitive in the development stage:- wild sorghum from seed when it has 3-5 leaves- wild sorghum from the rhizome when it is 15-30 cm tall- quackgrass from 3 leaves up to 25 cm- cockspur and green foxtail from stage 1 leaf to budding- wild millet and crabgrass when they have 1-3 leaves- ragweed and garden orache from emergence to the stage of two leaves- green amaranth and a lady's thumb from sprouting to the stage of four leaves.RestrictionsIt is used only once a year on the same surface. In the case of prolonged drought, the absorption of the active is reducedsubstances, so the herbicidal effect is weaker. To extend the effect, it can be combined with herbicideswhich act on broad-leaved weeds such as Mustang, Mustang Forte, Metto. Application in corn whichhas been treated with organophosphorus soil insecticides can cause severe phytotoxicity. Not recommendedis treated at temperatures higher than 25°C. Do not use if the plants are weakened by stress or strongerdamaged by insects and diseases.On the surfaces sprayed with MOTIVELLA, the following crop can be sown: winter wheat and rye after 4months, spring wheat and barley after 8 months, beans, oats, soybeans, sweet corn and popcorn after 10months and other crops after 12 months.It is applied in the amount of 200-400 l/ha of water (20-40 l per 1000 m²).Waiting period: 63 days for mercantile corn, 35 days for silage corn.Packaging: 1 liter, 0.5 liter.
Volume: 1 l
Fungicid sa preventivnim, kurativnim i eradikativnim djelovanjem. Aktivna materija: cimoksanil 35 g/l + bakar sulfat trobazni 345 g/l Formulacija: Koncentrovana suspenzija (SC) Opšte osobine: MOLTOVIN je preparat nastao kombinacijom dvije aktivne materije, različite po svojim osobinama. -Cimoksanil: Sistemična komponenta preparata koja brzo prodire u tkivo biljke (za manje od sat vremena) i ne može nakon toga biti spran kišom. U biljci uništava miceliju gljive u početnoj fazi razvoja kao i klijanje zoospora čime zaustavlja razvoj bolesti u periodu ostvarenja zaraze ali sprečava i njeno dalje širenje i pojavu oštećenja na biljci ako se zakasnilo sa tretmanom pa je do zaraze već došlo. -Bakar sulfat: Odličan preventivni fungicid. Svojim prisustvom u preparatu obezbjeđuje potpunu sigurnost u kontroli bolesti. Crna pjegavost (Alternaria solani) na listuPrimjena: -Vinova loza: u zasadu vinove loze koristi se za suzbijanje plamenjače (Plasmopara viticola) u dozi od 3 l/ha -Krompir: u usjevu krompira koristi se za suzbijanje plamenjače (Phytophtora infestans) i crne pjegavosti (Alternaria solani) u dozi od 3 l/ha. -Paradajz: u usjevu paradajza koristi se za suzbijanje plamenjače (Phytophtora infestans) i crne pjegavosti (Alternaria solani) u dozi od 3 l/ha. Preporuke vezane za primjenu: -Zaštita vinove loze od plamenjače se obavlja prije ostvarene infekcije kad god je to moguće. Ukoliko iz bilo kojih razloga preventivna primjena nije bila ostvarena i do zaraze je došlo, potrebno je što prije izvršiti tretiranje kako bi se zaraza suzbila. -Moltovin primijenjen i 2-3 dana nakon infekcije može zaustaviti bolest. Tretiranja se vrše u razmacima od 7-12 dana u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova (kraći interval u slučaju kišnog, vlažnog vremena). Dva do tri dana nakon primjene ne treba se obazirati na padavine ali ako u periodu od 3-5 dana nakon tretmana ukupna količina padavina pređe 30 mm, naredno tretiranje treba obavezno obaviti u sledeća 2-3 dana. -Moltovin se ne smije koristiti u fazi cvjetanja vinove loze, tako da bi njegova primjena trebalo da uslijedi počevši od kraja cvjetanja pa sve do 28 dana pred berbu. -Zaštitu krompira od plamenjače takođe treba obaviti preventivno. Ako je do zaraze ipak došlo bolest se može zaustaviti tretmanom 1-3 dana nakon infekcije. Sa zaštitom krompira obično se počinje kada krompir sklopi redove (početak cvjetanja). Naredna tretiranja se obavljaju u intervalima 8-10 dana, u zavisnosti od meteoroloških uslova (tople i kišovite godine odgovaraju razvoju plamenjače). -Preparat ne bi trebalo primijeniti na biljke koje su pod stresom usled suše, niskih temperatura ili drugih faktora koji usporavaju normalan rast i razvoj biljaka. Miješanje: Preparat se može miješati sa preparatima neutralne i kisele reakcije a ne smije se miješati sa preparatima alkalne reakcije. Utrošak vode: vinova loza 800-1000 l/ha; krompir i paradajz 200-400 l/ha Maksimalanbroj tretmana u toku godine na istoj površini: Vinova loza 4 puta, krompir i paradajz 2 puta Karenca: Krompir – 10 dana; vinova loza – 20 dana Pakovanje: 1 L
Selective herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in potatoes,tomatoes and soybeans.Active substance: metribuzin 700 g/kgFormulation: water dispersible granules (WG)Application:The preparation MISTRIB XTRA is a selective, systemic herbicide thatused to control broadleaf weeds in:PotatoAfter planting and before crop emergence, in quantities:- 0.75 kg/ha (7.5 g per 100 m²) on poorly humus soils(1-3% humus),- 1 kg/ha (10 g per 100 m²) on humus soils (3-5% humus),- 1.5 kg/ha (15 g per 100 m²) on very humus soils (over5% humus), after crop emergence, when potatoes reach height5-10 cm, i.e. when it develops 5-8 leaves (stages 15 (105) – 18 (108)BBCH scale), in amounts:- 0.5 kg/ha (5 g per 100 m²) on humus soils (3-5 %hummus)- 0.75 kg/ha (7.5 g per 100 m²) on very humus soils(over 5% humus).Tomatoes (planting only):8-10 days after planting, in amounts:- 0.5 kg/ha (5 g per 100 m²) on humus soils (3-5 %hummus),- 0.75 kg/ha (7.5 g per 100 m²) on very humus soils(over 5% humus).SoyAfter sowing and before crop emergence in quantities:- 0.5 kg/ha (5 g per 100 m²) on humus soils (3-5% humus), 1 kg/ha (10 g per 100 m²) onvery humus soils (more than 5% humus)Application in the world:corn pre.em (after sowing and before emergence) treatment 300 g/ha + graminicide), alfalfa (dormant phase).Spectrum of action:Good control of broadleaf weeds:- ambrosia (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), common bitter gourd (Amaranthus retroflexus), common ash(Chenopodium album), common datula (Datura stramonium), common gardenia (Polygonum persicaria),common assistant (Solanum nigrum),...etc.Notes: It must not be used on very weak humus soils (less than 1%). Don't laughapply in potato varieties Jerla, Voran, Bison, Atlantic, Pontiac, SV77/40 and SV76/48. On treateddo not grow other crops on the surface for at least 4 months, especially cabbage, turnips, cucumbers,watermelons. During treatment, observe water protection zones and prevent water contamination (watercourses,lakes, water sources and wells), treating at least 20 m away from them.Water consumption: 200-400 l/haToxicity: III group of poisonsWaiting period: 42 days for potatoes and tomatoes. Provided by application time for soybeans.Packaging: 0.5 kg, 0.1 kg
Mildicut 25 SC
Volume: 10 l
Fungicid za suzbijanje plamenjače vinove lozeAktivna materija: ciazofamid .......... 25 g/lFormulacija: koncentrovana suspenzija (SC)PRIMJENA I DOZAPrimjenjuje se za suzbijanje plamenjače (Plasmopara viticola) na vinovoj lozi (stone i vinske sorte), ukoncentraciji 0,25% uz utrošak vode od 400 do 600 l/ha. Sredstvo se primjenjuje na početku zaraze ikoristi se zavisno od intenziteta zaraze i razvojnog stadijuma vinove loze, a najbolji učinak postiže se akose primijeni u sledećim fazama razvoja vinove loze:-mladice više od 40 cm (BBCH 55): 2,5 l/ha-nakon cvatnje (BBCH 71): 3 l/ha-zatvaranje grozda (BBCH 75): 4 l/ha.Preventivna upotrebaMILDICUT se upotrebljava preventivno. Prskanje prije pojave zaraze garantuje potpunu zaštitu protivplamenjače.Interval između prskanjaPuna doza fungicida Mildicut 25 SC (4 l/ha) garantuje 10-14 dnevnu potpunu zaštitu u svim vremenskimuslovima i razvojnim fazama vinove loze.Vrijeme upotrebeMILDICUT je moguće upotrijebiti od pred cvjetanja pa do zatvaranja grozda (BBCH 53 do BBCH 79).Optimalno vrijeme za MILDICUT je za vrijeme cvjetanja (BBCH 59 do BBCH 71), kad je opasnost odplamenjače najveća. MILDICUT je odličan za kasnija prskanja jer nudi neprikosnovenu zaštitu boba. Odvelikog je značaja kod stonih sorata jer ne ostavlja mrlje na bobama. Mildicut ima karencu od svega 21dan.PREPORUKESredstvo se smije primijeniti osam puta godišnje na istoj površini, u vremenskim razmacima od 12 do 14dana. Kod prskanja punog habitusa, potrebno je držati sve mlaznice otvorene, i tada se primjenjuje udozi od 3,5-4 l/ha. U ranijim razvojnim fazama, kada se mlaznice zatvaraju zbog manjeg habitusa loze,moguće je smanjenje doze po hektaru ali samo shodno obimu zatvorenih mlaznica. MILDICUT je vodećipreparat u preventivnoj zaštiti, sistemik koji štiti novi porast biljne mase, najmanje je ispirljiv od kiše idobro djeluje „eradikativno“.NAČIN DJELOVANJAJedinstveni inovativni fungicid, kao stvoren za vinovu lozu:• Sistemično djelovanje kombinacije dviju aktivnih materija ciazofamida i di-Na fosfonata štite noviporast u fazama najintenzivnijeg rasta• Neprikosnoveno preventivno djelovanje - najduže djelovanje• “Eradikativno” djelovanje - uništava spore patogena• Neosporna efikasnost i u kišnim uslovima - zbog svojstava ciazofamida da se ne ispire i kod jakoobilnih kiša MILDICUT potpuno štiti lozu čak i kod dužeg kišnog perioda od 12 do 14 dana poslijeprskanja• Translaminarno premiještanje• Odlična zaštita boba i grozdova• Jedinstveni mehanizam djelovanja, praktično ne može doći do pojave otpornosti bolesti• Najzastupljeniji fungicid protiv plamenjače u Francuskoj.Uvijek pouzdana efikasnostDvije aktivne materije sadržane u MILDICUT-u, osnova su za njegovo odlično, dugotrajno i pouzdanosuzbijanje plamenjače vinove loze.PAKOVANJE: 1 L, 10 LMILDICUT 25 SC je dio Belchimovog programa zaštite